Sabbath-Saturday or Sunday?

Some easy to understand Scriptures proving 7th day Sabbath

There are controversial subjects that the main stream Christian churches, have ignored for over
1500 years. One of them, is The Ten Commandments, including The Seventh Day Sabbath.
Many believe that they have been done away with, or changed. You may decide after reading

In the fourth century A.D. The Christian Church took a left turn. King Constantine changed
The 7th Day  Sabbath worship to the first day of the week.

Keeping The Sabbath and The Ten Commandments is NOT unto salvation. Modeling your
life after them, will show your love, and obedience to the Lord. Your rewards in heaven, maybe
based on  that. The Lord said “ If you love Me, Keep My Commandments“. (John 14:15)

This document is not linked to any one, denomination, although some do adhere to The Ten
Commandments. The writings here, will prove the validity of The Commandments and The
Sabbath. This will be done by showing scriptures that don’t have to be interpreted, which will
stand on their own.

Vague scriptures of their own, are left for people who are inclined to put their own spin on
them. Most of the scriptures given, are after Yahshua was crucified. The reason is: many are
taught and believe that The Commandments, and The Seventh Day Sabbath, were
symbolically nailed to the cross.

(Luke 23:56) The women rested on The Sabbath, according to The Commandment, after His
death. (Mark 16:1) When The Sabbath was past, the women brought spices to the tomb.  
(Acts 13:14,15) Paul went into a synagogue on The Sabbath. The Law and the Prophets were
read. (Acts 13:27) The Prophets were read Every Sabbath.
Acts 14:42 The Gentiles begged the Apostles to preach to them on the next Sabbath. 
Acts 13:44 Almost the whole city came to hear the word of Yahweh on The Sabbath  (Acts 16:
13) The Apostles went out of the city on The Sabbath, and preached to the women. (Acts 17:
2) Paul went into a synagogue and preached for Three Sabbaths to the Thessalonians.

(Acts 18:4) Paul preached in Corinth’s synagogue Every Sabbath to the Israelites and Greeks.
(Acts 18:11) Paul continued there for a year and a half, teaching the Word of
Yahweh.                    (That would amount to 78 Sabbaths.)

(Mark 2:27) Yahshua said “The Sabbath was made for Israel and not Israel for The Sabbath.
“Oh!! excuse me,” Yahshua Messiah said  “The Sabbath was made for MANKIND.”

(Matthew 12:8) Yahshua said, “He is Lord of The Sabbath Day.”
(Hebrews 13:8) “Yahshua Messiah is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. ”
(Acts 1:12) The Apostles returned to Jerusalem, from a Sabbaths Day journey.
l (Isaiah 58:13,14) Yahweh said, “If you turn away your foot from The Sabbath. From doing
your own pleasure on My Holy Day, and call The Sabbath a delight. The Holy Day of the
Lord Honorable, and Shall honor Him, not doing your own ways. Nor finding your own
pleasure, nor speaking your words. Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord.”
(Romans 10:12)  There is no difference between Israelites and Greeks. (Gentiles) The same
Lord Over all, is rich unto all that call upon Him.

(Heb 4:9,10,11) “Therefore, there remains A Rest for the people of Yahweh. For he who has
entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works, as Yahweh did from His. Therefore be
diligent to enter That Rest, lest anyone fall after the example of disobedience”

“One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike” (Romans 14:5)
It doesn’t say anything, about The Sabbath, resting, or The law. These are the type of vague
scriptures that people use, to put on their own spin. They will try to refute, all the many
scriptures, that prove the truth.

The Apostle Paul said “For I speak to you Gentiles; in as much as I am an Apostle to the
Gentiles. I magnify my ministry” (Romans 11:13) The Gentiles were mentioned about 100
Times in the New Testament. Most of the people, Paul preached to were Gentiles.

Would it not make sense, that he would have taught them, that The Law and The
Sabbath were done away with? As it was, the Gentiles craved his preaching on The Sabbath.
Today’s church reasoning for changing to  Sunday worship is: The Apostles came together on
that first day of the week to break bread, and Paul preached to Them.  (Acts 20:7)  Paul said
nothing about change, that was ever noted in the Bible.

As far as we know, the scriptures show that Paul preached on Sunday only once. He
Preached many times on The 7th Day Sabbath. In Acts, he preached on The Sabbath over 78
times, as recorded in the Bible.

Theologians say, “ We keep Sunday because, Yahshua rose on that day.” Again, no authority
to change it. In Daniel’s prophesy, “When the Messiah shall be cut off in the middle of the
week, the sacrifices shall end.” (Daniel 9:26,27)

Do the math, Wednesday afternoon: to Saturday afternoon, is three days, and three nights. Just
as Messiah predicted. (Matthew 12:40) The Israelites wanted the Lord taken off the cross that
afternoon, after He died. It was preparation day for the High Sabbath. The first day of
Passover is a High Sabbath, (John 19:31) and no work is to be done.

There were Two Sabbaths in that week: Thursday, Saturday and a preparation day for each
one. The Apostles and the women, didn’t visit the tomb again, until Sunday morning. It was
dark when they arrived, and no one witnessed the Messiah’s resurrection. (John 20:1)

That morning: two people were walking, when Yahshua came upon them and asked, what they
were talking about? One said: “Are you a stranger? The Messiah was crucified, and this is the
third day this was done.” (Luke 24:17-21)

Remember, a day, is still a day and a night, which is 24 hours. The following explanation ties
it all together. “ When Yahshua was risen, early the first day of the week, He appeared to
Mary.” (Mark 16:9) Punctuations were not added to the Bible until the 9th century A.D. In the
1611 Bible edition, the comma was put after early.

In the modern day Bible, it was put after the word week. Apparently those translators weren’t
inspired of  Yahweh.When the comma is put after the word risen. This proves
that all the factual evidence shows. Yahshua Messiah had already risen just before sun down
on Saturday night. In the Bible & Israelite tradition, sun down to sun down is a day.
Would the Messiah be resurrected in the dark, when the Bible compares it to evil? (John 3:
19,20) Would the Messiah be resurrected on a day that the pagans were worshiping the sun god
on pagan Easter? Or would the Lord be resurrected on a day that was Sanctified, Blessed,
Hallowed, and written in stone by our Creator Yahweh? Not a difficult choice.

The Sabbath is the Fourth Commandment, and the last book of the Bible says to Keep The
Commandments. (Revelations 12:17- 14:12- 22:14) Yahshua and the Apostles kept them.
There are no scriptures or authority in the Bible, that changes the 7th Day Sabbath for another,
or eliminates it.

They say, the days of the week have been changed over the centuries. Not so, only the dates
have been changed. An example is the leap year, we change only the date and not the days of
the week. The Israelites have never lost sight of The 7th Day Sabbath. (Romans 3:2)

Some say: “We can keep any day we want for The Sabbath. Yahweh was very emphatic on
which day, and how The Sabbath is to be kept.

Yahweh said. “Remember THE Seventh Day, not a seventh day. “There remains a rest for
the people of Yahweh: for he who has entered His rest, has also ceased from his works, as
Yahweh did from His” (Heb 4:9-11)

The following can’t be emphasized enough. Yahweh said three times in the Old Testament,and
three times in the New. “If you love Me. You will Keep The Commandments.”(Exodus 20:6)
(Deuteronomy 5:10) (Nehemiah 1:5) (John 11:15    ( 1 John 5:2,3)

Some won’t accept all Bible teaching, you have to make a decision. The Big problem for most,
is That Sabbath. “Why should I give up: Friday night T.V, or the movies, Saturday swap
meets, shopping, or the beach after?
I have work, and things to do on Saturdays. I would have to change my whole life style. Just
because the CREATOR of the universe: inspired words to be written down, in a book
thousands of years ago, called the Bible. “Be doers of the WORD, and not hearers, only
deceiving Yourselves.” (James 1:22)  Sabbath is the fourth Commandment.